2003-12-03 - NZ Digital Cam

My pics from a 3 week holiday back in New Zealand.

Car stereo guts 2
26-Nov-2003  12:01pm
Far, far tidier than my installation!

Hell, my "installation" involved nailing the motherboard down to the first plank of wood I found! None of this fancy ~box~ stuff :-)

Pete had to painstakingly uninstall this all from my car, taking photographs of the start and end of every wire so he could reconnect it all.
Flight #4 - Christchurch to Palmy
27-Nov-2003  1:34am
Betty is now back in London, leaving me in NZ alone (sob). :-(

I'm flying back up North for Mark + Beck's wedding
28-Nov-2003  4:04am
(Earlier I hypnotised the girls into thinking they were naked, then I jumped out with a camera)

Starting to set up the reception hall. As well as running all the music from the computer, Mark also put together a movie of baby photos of himself, then Becks, and then them together growing up - all to a Cat Stevens song. Was brilliantly done... the entire room was in tears. Even the 3 best men had to quickly pull together a straight face before giving our speechs.
More setting up
28-Nov-2003  4:04am
(Yeah, they worked it out eventually)

And that is the last shot I got in Palmerston North... the second camera battery I packed was flat! :-( You can find some of the official wedding photos on this site at least.
Flight #5 - Palmy to Christchurch
01-Dec-2003  2:34am
Alien symbol
01-Dec-2003  2:34am
Wellington coastline
01-Dec-2003  2:54am
Brighton Beach, New Zealand
01-Dec-2003  3:27am
Jazz Trio
01-Dec-2003  10:53am
Singapore airport
02-Dec-2003  4:24pm
Two hours break in the 26 hour journey back to London. The 6th flight in total.

Ahh, wish I could have stayed much longer - but still glad to get back to London.