DSCF4071 Date: 23-Feb-2007  7:34pm
Inside the outer courtyard.

Angkor Wat has three levels. Inside the moat is a walled outer courtyard. In that is the inner courtyard, and within that the main temple itself. There are two smaller buildings on each side half-way up the main path.

The craziest thing about Angkor Wat is not the scale measured in terms of geometrics, but in terms of the logistics of building it. Entire generations of slaves would have worked on it. The limiting factor in productivity was not stone (they ran short and had to haul it for miles by elephant), but in fact how much rice they could grow to feed the workers. The king responsible for Angkor Wat had introduced irrigation to the region so they could grow more rice crops per year, which helped production. Unfortunately he also had a bit of a complex - he was in the minority religion of the time, so he felt he had to legitimise his rule by building the biggest temples. Pity for him, they took 200 years to finish. Should have used weetbix instead of rice.